33) Literalmente submergido por livros...
Tudo o que voce puder imaginar em matéria de livros, e até um pouco mais, está aqui:
Internet Archive (http://www.archive.org/index.php)
The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public.
Percorri apenas como teste o sistema, buscando livros sobre o Brasil (em inglês, portanto com z) e sobre história econômica, e o volume de material livremente disponível é incomensurável.
Pode-se downloadar (perdão pelo neologismo, mas acho que este verbo já está consagrado, como deletar, e talvez googlelizar) os livros em diversos formatos: html, texto, pdf, djvu, etc.
Pode-se escolher apenas textos, ou qualquer outro tipo de suporte, pode-se também ficar nas bibliotecas americanas, ou ir para outros ambientes.
Deve dar indigestão aos muito fanáticos por livros, como eu...
Vejam o que figura na seção textos, busca de livros por kew-words:
* Printable Books
* Additional Collections
* Allen County Public Library
* American Libraries
* Ant Texts
* Arpanet
* Biblioteca Ludwig von Mises, Universidad Francisco Marroquín
* Biodiversity Heritage Library
* Birney Anti-Slavery Collection
* Books from Microfilm
* Boston College Libraries
* Boston College Library
* Boston Public Library
* Brandeis University Libraries
* Brandeis University Library
* Brown University Library
* Buddha Books
* California Academy of Sciences
* California Digital Library
* California Eagle [microform]
* California Fish and Game
* Canadian Libraries
* Canadiana.org
* Carleton University Library
* Caven Library, Knox College
* Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies Library
* Children's Library
* Claire T. Carney Library, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
* Columbia University Libraries
* Computer History Museum
* Cook Books and Home Economics
* Dance Manuals
* Dickens Journals Online
* Duke University Libraries
* E.J. Pratt Library
* Earth Sciences University of Toronto
* Emmanuel College Library, Victoria University
* European Libraries
* Google books
* Harvard University
* Havergal College
* Independence Seaport Museum
* Internet Archive Books
* Italian Comedies
* James Birney Collection of Anti-Slavery Pamphlets
* John W. Graham Library, Trinity College
* Johns Hopkins University Historic Dissertations
* Library and Archives Canada
* Lycoming College
* MBLWHOI Library
* MIT Libraries
* McMaster University
* Memorial University of Newfoundland & Labrador
* Microsoft
* Million Book Project
* Missouri Botanical Garden
* Montana State Government Publications
* Montana State Library
* Music - University of Toronto
* NTIS Microfilm
* National Institute for Newman Studies
* National Library of Australia
* Natural History Museum Library, London
* New York Public Library
* Newspapers
* North Carolina State University Libraries
* Northeastern University Libraries
* O'Reilly
* OISE/UT Library
* Octavo
* Open Content Alliance
* Open Library Data
* Open Source Books
* Oxfam
* PIMS - University of Toronto
* Pacifica Radio Archives
* Prelinger Library
* Princeton Theological Seminary
* Project Gutenberg
* Reels of Microfilm
* Regional Oral History Office
* Regis College Library
* Research Library, Getty Research Institute
* Ryerson University
* Saint Mary's College of California
* San Francisco Public Library
* Sloan Foundation
* Smithsonian
* St. Mary's College of Maryland
* State Library of Massachusetts
* Telegu collection digitized by SVK
* Test books from California
* Test books from Canada
* Text Archive
* The Bancroft Library
* The Beat Within Magazine
* The Boston College Libraries
* The Boston Library Consortium
* The Burstein Alice in Wonderland Collection
* The Charles E. Young Research Library Special Collections
* The Christian Radical
* The John Adams Library at the Boston Public Library
* The Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries
* The Legislative Assembly of Ontario Collection
* The Library of Congress
* The Mugar Memorial Library, Boston University
* The New York Botanical Garden
* The San Francisco Public Library
* The Spanish Language Library
* The University of Scranton Weinberg Memorial Library
* Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
* Toronto Public Library
* Tufts University
* Tufts University Libraries
* UCLA Librarian
* US Government Documents
* Unica: Rare Books from UIUC
* Univ. of Mass Medical School, Lamar Soutter Library
* Universal Library
* University of Alberta Libraries
* University of California Libraries
* University of Chicago
* University of Connecticut Libraries
* University of Guelph
* University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
* University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries
* University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
* University of Massachusetts, Boston
* University of Michigan Books
* University of New Hampshire Library
* University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
* University of Ottawa
* University of Pittsburgh Library System
* University of Toronto
* University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
* University of Toronto - John M Kelly Library
* University of Toronto - Robarts Library
* University of Toronto Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library
* University of Toronto Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
* Wellesley College Library
* West Virginia University Libraries
* Williams College Library
* World Health Organization
* Yahoo!
* Yiddish Books
* independent texts
* lefevre
* the Marucs Lucero
Internet Archive (http://www.archive.org/index.php)
The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public.
Percorri apenas como teste o sistema, buscando livros sobre o Brasil (em inglês, portanto com z) e sobre história econômica, e o volume de material livremente disponível é incomensurável.
Pode-se downloadar (perdão pelo neologismo, mas acho que este verbo já está consagrado, como deletar, e talvez googlelizar) os livros em diversos formatos: html, texto, pdf, djvu, etc.
Pode-se escolher apenas textos, ou qualquer outro tipo de suporte, pode-se também ficar nas bibliotecas americanas, ou ir para outros ambientes.
Deve dar indigestão aos muito fanáticos por livros, como eu...
Vejam o que figura na seção textos, busca de livros por kew-words:
* Printable Books
* Additional Collections
* Allen County Public Library
* American Libraries
* Ant Texts
* Arpanet
* Biblioteca Ludwig von Mises, Universidad Francisco Marroquín
* Biodiversity Heritage Library
* Birney Anti-Slavery Collection
* Books from Microfilm
* Boston College Libraries
* Boston College Library
* Boston Public Library
* Brandeis University Libraries
* Brandeis University Library
* Brown University Library
* Buddha Books
* California Academy of Sciences
* California Digital Library
* California Eagle [microform]
* California Fish and Game
* Canadian Libraries
* Canadiana.org
* Carleton University Library
* Caven Library, Knox College
* Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies Library
* Children's Library
* Claire T. Carney Library, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
* Columbia University Libraries
* Computer History Museum
* Cook Books and Home Economics
* Dance Manuals
* Dickens Journals Online
* Duke University Libraries
* E.J. Pratt Library
* Earth Sciences University of Toronto
* Emmanuel College Library, Victoria University
* European Libraries
* Google books
* Harvard University
* Havergal College
* Independence Seaport Museum
* Internet Archive Books
* Italian Comedies
* James Birney Collection of Anti-Slavery Pamphlets
* John W. Graham Library, Trinity College
* Johns Hopkins University Historic Dissertations
* Library and Archives Canada
* Lycoming College
* MBLWHOI Library
* MIT Libraries
* McMaster University
* Memorial University of Newfoundland & Labrador
* Microsoft
* Million Book Project
* Missouri Botanical Garden
* Montana State Government Publications
* Montana State Library
* Music - University of Toronto
* NTIS Microfilm
* National Institute for Newman Studies
* National Library of Australia
* Natural History Museum Library, London
* New York Public Library
* Newspapers
* North Carolina State University Libraries
* Northeastern University Libraries
* O'Reilly
* OISE/UT Library
* Octavo
* Open Content Alliance
* Open Library Data
* Open Source Books
* Oxfam
* PIMS - University of Toronto
* Pacifica Radio Archives
* Prelinger Library
* Princeton Theological Seminary
* Project Gutenberg
* Reels of Microfilm
* Regional Oral History Office
* Regis College Library
* Research Library, Getty Research Institute
* Ryerson University
* Saint Mary's College of California
* San Francisco Public Library
* Sloan Foundation
* Smithsonian
* St. Mary's College of Maryland
* State Library of Massachusetts
* Telegu collection digitized by SVK
* Test books from California
* Test books from Canada
* Text Archive
* The Bancroft Library
* The Beat Within Magazine
* The Boston College Libraries
* The Boston Library Consortium
* The Burstein Alice in Wonderland Collection
* The Charles E. Young Research Library Special Collections
* The Christian Radical
* The John Adams Library at the Boston Public Library
* The Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries
* The Legislative Assembly of Ontario Collection
* The Library of Congress
* The Mugar Memorial Library, Boston University
* The New York Botanical Garden
* The San Francisco Public Library
* The Spanish Language Library
* The University of Scranton Weinberg Memorial Library
* Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
* Toronto Public Library
* Tufts University
* Tufts University Libraries
* UCLA Librarian
* US Government Documents
* Unica: Rare Books from UIUC
* Univ. of Mass Medical School, Lamar Soutter Library
* Universal Library
* University of Alberta Libraries
* University of California Libraries
* University of Chicago
* University of Connecticut Libraries
* University of Guelph
* University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
* University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries
* University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
* University of Massachusetts, Boston
* University of Michigan Books
* University of New Hampshire Library
* University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
* University of Ottawa
* University of Pittsburgh Library System
* University of Toronto
* University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
* University of Toronto - John M Kelly Library
* University of Toronto - Robarts Library
* University of Toronto Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library
* University of Toronto Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
* Wellesley College Library
* West Virginia University Libraries
* Williams College Library
* World Health Organization
* Yahoo!
* Yiddish Books
* independent texts
* lefevre
* the Marucs Lucero